Thursday, February 28, 2019

Richard Serra: The Hedgehog and the Fox

This sculpture is “The Hedgehog and the Fox” made in 2000 by Richard Serra. I like how all these massive sculptures give the visitors the ability to walk through the sculpture and appreciate it. This sculpture is located on Princeton University. The sculpture is 15 feet high and 94 feet long. When researching this piece of art I found out the name comes from a quote from the Greek poet Archilochus, “The fox knows many things but the hedgehog knows one great thing.” I like how the sculpture represents this quote with 2 different way to walk through one as the hedgehogs and one as the foxes. Hedgehogs are known to follow one principle while foxes have a different approach. I also liked that the steel sheets are reddish-brown rust which suggests the color of a fox.

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