Wednesday, January 23, 2019

"The Kiss" - Auguste Rodin

    "The Kiss" was sculpted by the well known Auguste Rodin around the year of 1882. This delicate and smooth looking sculpture is crafted from marble, and depicts a nude couple embracing in a romantic and intimate moment. It is said that the couple are representative of two characters  known as Paolo and Francesca from Dante Alighieri's (most commonly known as 'Dante' who was a popular Italian poet/author in the early 1300's) tragic love story "Divine comedy." In this story, Francesca's husband walks in on "the kiss" between her and another man who she fell involve with..(Paolo, who happens to be her husband's younger brother.) Because they were both caught in the act, the husband kills both his wife and brother, and they both were "condemned to walk eternally through hell" (for the sin they committed I assume.)
  I personally admired this piece for the fluidity of their positioning; the way their arms are wrapped around  supporting each other. I believe there is just so much passion felt through this dazzling sculpture.

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